Meet Our Management Team

As a leader in the surface treatment industry, Håndverksgruppen is led by a competent management team that sets our strategic course. While they provide essential leadership, the true foundation of our success lies with the local HG companies. Their exceptional skills and steadfast dedication are crucial to the success of our business.


Øyvind Emblem


Born: 1970
Employed by HG since: 2020


Master Mechanical Engineering,
NTNU, Norway
Master Business & Administration,
HEC, France

Selected work experience:

MD & EVP Norway Ramirent Plc
MD, Michelin Benelux and South Korea
Production manager, ODIM Hitec
Management Consultant, McKinsey & Co.

Gjermund Söder Vegge


Born: 1971
Employed by HG since: 2020


Master of Business and Economics with specialization in Finance, BI Norwegian Business School

Selected work experience:

CFO Umoe Restaurants
CFO Statoil Fuel & Retail Norway
Managing Director Statoil Detaljist AS / NK Retail
Operations Statoil Fuel & Retail, Norway
Management consultant, PA Consulting

Trond Sigurd Tørdal


Born: 1964
Employed by HG since: 2020


Self-taught, self-developed competence

Selected work experience:

Initiator behind the formation of the Håndverksgruppen Group
Managing Director, Arvid Bendixen AS
Board member, FK BodøGlimt
Regional chairperson,
Sparebank 1 Northern Norway



Born: 1988
Employed by HG since: 2021


Master Auditing & Accounting,
Norwegian Business School
BSc (Honours) Financial Economics,
University of St Andrews

Selected work experience:

Investment Director, FSN Capital Partners
Financial advisor, PwC
Senior associate assurance, PwC

Thomas Thorsøe


Born: 1968
Employed by HG since: 2023


Master, MBA, Business Psychology,
Business Institute Aalborg
Master, MBA; Strategic Management,
Business Institute Aalborg

Selected work experience:

CHRO, Kemp & Lauritzen A/S
CHRO, Flügger A/S
HR Director, DSV
HR Manager, Netto, Salling Group
Production Manager, Xpon Card

Country managing directors

Johan Möller

Manging Director Håndverksgruppen Sweden

Born: 1974
Employed by HG since: 2022


Master Industrial Engineering & Management,
Linköping Institute of Technology, Sweden

Selected work experience:

CEO Apoex AB
CEO Svensk Markservice AB
Business Unit President,
Coor Service Management AB
Deputy Head of Group Business Development,
Coor Service Management Group AB

Ronny Pettersen

Managing Director Håndverksgruppen Norway

Born: 1975
Employed by HG since: 2023


Master Management and organizational science,
University of Tromsø
Krigsskole I og II, The Norwegian Military Academy

Selected work experience:

Executive Director, ISS Direct ISS Facility Services A/S
Executive Director, HR/HMS ISS Facility Services A/S
Head of Human Resources, Deloitte Norway
Leadership positions, Norwegian Armed Forces

Frederik Stage Olsen

Managing Director Håndverksgruppen Denmark

Born: 1983
Employed by HG since: 2023


Cand. Merc, International Marketing and Management, Copenhagen Business School

Selected work experience:

CCO, Elis Denmark
Country Manager, Berendsen
Plant manager, Berendsen
Business Line Commercial Terms and Pricing Manager, Berendsen
Operationel manager, Berendsen

Michael Mathias

Head of Germany

Born: 1963
Employed by HG since: 2023


Dipl. Wirtschaftsingenieur / Industrial Engineer, Hamburg University of Technology

Selected work experience:

Interim manager with positions within Finance, M&A, Business Development and Sales & Marketing.
CFO/COO Insulation & Composite, Von Roll AG
General Manager/CFO, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH