The preferred home for crafts businesses

At HG, our family of 134 local winners is the backbone of our success. Together, these companies work towards common goals across Europe, fostering a culture of mutual support and cooperation.


Since our founding in 2020, we have become a preferred partner for crafts businesses looking to become part of something bigger. Our decentralised operational approach enables local autonomy, while fostering a close-knit community of support and trust. In 2023, we welcomed 33 new companies* in Norway, Sweden, and Germany, setting the stage for continued growth in our four current markets.

2023 annual report_New-companies_M&A_2

* Includes operating companies only

Culture is key

Beyond financial metrics, cultural fit is paramount in our M&A efforts. Our thorough selection process ensures that incoming companies resonate with the HG culture. The resounding approval rate of joining companies recommending HG to others (93 percent) attests to the strength of our cultural bonds.

Before entering Germany, we dedicated more than a year to understand local nuances and to ensure seamless integration and cultural harmony for businesses that join our group. The enthusiastic reception from our first German partner, Hans Übelacker, confirms our belief in our cross-border capabilities.

The beauty of joining HG lies in becoming part of a family – a community where you can thrive while preserving your unique identity and operational autonomy

Local referrals are increasingly critical to pipeline development across geographies. With a network of over one hundred local companies, we have greater access to potential partners and organic inbound interest, with over 80 percent of our acquisitions being self-sourced through our network. Leveraging multiple channels and robust processes, we can quickly capitalise on emerging opportunities.

So, what does it take to be part of HG?

The companies we are in dialogue with are attracted to HG not only for financial gain, but also for the opportunity to contribute to a lasting legacy. Our enduring commitment to a people-centred culture and long-term vision resonates strongly with potential local companies. Moving forward, we plan to continue the same pace of acquisitions, with strong pipelines in the newer markets of Denmark and Germany, as well as in the more mature markets of Norway and Sweden.

Our streamlined transaction process is based on industry expertise and continuous refinement and ensures swift and transparent transactions. It rarely takes more than two meetings to advance from initial contact to company mapping and indicative valuations. On average, transactions are completed within four months from initial contact to closing, making the process transparent and as positive as possible fir the companies going through it.


Companies must have

  • A good cultural fit with a focus on collaboration.
  • Motivated managers willing to stay long-term with the company after joining.
  • Employees with permanent contracts.
  • Robust revenue base and EBITDA margin of at least 10 percent.
  • Share of Renovation greater than 50 percent.
  • A good reputation in their local market—with satisfied customers.

Onboarding with limited impact on day-to-day operations

Recognising the importance of minimising disruption, we prioritise a seamless onboarding process that preserves day-to-day operations. Up-front relationship building and trust lay the groundwork for effective integration, with a focus on financial reporting and ethics training. While environmental certifications and extensive processes unfold during the first year, our emphasis on cultural cohesion ensures a harmonious transition, driving HG's collective growth and success.

Up-front relationship building and trust lay the groundwork for effective integration, with a focus on financial reporting and ethics training.


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