The construction industry is really tough right now.

Last year one small company in Sweden was struggling.

But today?

They are busier than ever!

What happened?


Succeeding in hard times: Haninge Terrazzo’s story

Suddenly the six, seven guys working at Haninge Terrazzo, a successful company in Stockholm, Sweden did not have as much to do as they normally would. It was the spring of 2023 and the whole building and construction industry was struggling.

The birds were singing from the clear blue sky once again, but there was still no movement behind the company doors. It was a challenging time for everyone. The employees of Haninge were usually full of energy and would have been driving around, laying floors all day. But now, they were mopping the floors instead. 

– I heard a voice saying «hurry, find something, find work for my people», says Mikael Perez, Project Manager at Haninge Terazzo.


Employers are like family, so the pressure was immense 

He tried to call previous clients to see if there was anything for them to get their hands on, sending emails, talking to people. This small, family-run company had an option to downsize, of course. As one might have to do in rough times, but Mikael and his father, the General Manager, did not want to let anyone go: so instead they let their people clean and tidy up the garage and storage rooms. 

For months.

– I really felt a huge pressure, always, to make sure we could get enough jobs and income for our employees. I see them as family, so that was super important, he says. 


Share ideas, share a coffee, share employees

So: How to make more business together as local companies when the times are rough?  Haninge Terrazzo became a part of HG: And the stress that had kept Mikael awake at nights, became a «good» type of stress. Why? Because now, Haninge Terazzo were able to collaborate with four other nearby companies – all a part of the HG family.

– Now, I am stressed because there is almost too much to do, Mikael laughs. 

The icky pressure in his chest is gone. Often, family-run companies receive calls about large contracts needing quotes, but they have to turn them down because they lack the necessary capacity. That all changed.

– When we became a part of a bigger family, we suddenly could lend out people to other companies. People who we used to have a good relation with, but also could see as sort of competitors, Mikael says.

– Like «frenemies»?
– Yes, exactly, he laughs. 
– But now, they are just our friends.
– In what way?

No time? Check out why collaboration creates more business! >


– The most fascinating thing about becoming a part of HG is how we all just call each other, share ideas, share a coffee, share employees almost. We don't look at each other with a «evil eye» anymore. It makes us better, both internally and externally, he says.

 – How did the competing companies talk to each other before?

– The tone was maybe a bit more harsh, if problems surged for example. Now, one problem is everyone's problem, and we work together to find a solution in a more effective and friendly way, he says.

When companies collaborate within HG they will instantly get access to more work, and larger projects. Even ad hoc work they previously had to turn down. This way they also stand stronger on their own, with their employees and their clients. When they share, they grow. Truth is, had HG not been there to support growth at Haninge in the end, they would have had no other choice than letting people go.


They employed three, instead of firing two

Instead, what has happened, less than a year in, is that Haninge Terrazzo – who of course is still locally run and has kept both their original name, General Manager – has had the chance to employ three more people. 

– I know so many people in the industry who are still struggling, and we would have been one of them. But instead we have needed to expand! Before we were six, now we are nine guys. There is just so much to do, says Mikael with a huge smile.

– And this is all thanks to you collaborating with other companies?

– Yes, HG is not «giving» us a project. We are still 100 percent locally driven, but are now «allowed» to work with other similar floor companies, because we all share the same goal, clients and can access a larger network, he says. 


A phone call to remember forever 

Mikaels professional network expanded overnight. The other day Mikael made a phone call to a General Manager he met at a HG-Academy. 

«Hey, buddy, I might have a job for you», Mikael said.

 The voice on the other end started to laugh out loud.

«What?», Mikael, asked with a smile. 

«What's so funny?»

«Oh, you know, this is exactly what I love about HG, the network facilitates that you can “randomly” meet with a colleague in the industry one day and the next he calls you up and give you more work», he said. 

– He was right, and I will never forget that phone call, says Mikael, who soon will be on his way to Skåne, six hours by train across the Swedish countryside, to have a chat about a new project. Far, far away from where his previously located work circle used to be. 

– The fact that we can travel more, and do work in a larger area is really, really cool. And would have never happened if it was not for HG. 


4 reasons why collaboration creates more business:

1. You can say “yes” to a wider range of projects

Small companies can say “yes” to larger projects because they can both access reliable workers and competence from companies in the same “family”.

2. The pool of possible clients grow 

All local companies will access more clients because another local company within the HG-family will call you in case they need help with their projects.

3. You can thrive in tough times

Even if the rest of the industry is struggling, collaborating companies can grow their business because they share both colleagues and clients – and therefore get trusted with more complex jobs.

4. You learn from collaborating companies 

When partnering companies in the industry share their lessons learned, it basically means free education while working. Knowledge sharing is key to a healthy and steady growth.