From Ukraine to Norway

    What is it like to start a new life in a foreign country? For Krystyna, who fled Ukraine, it has meant finding security and new opportunities. After leaving her home country under difficult circumstances, she now enjoys an everyday life filled with professional development and fellowship at Risanger & Sønn in Haugalandet in Norway.

    - Norway has given me a fresh start, an opportunity to have a better life and learn new things. At Risanger & Sønn, I get to develop both professionally and linguistically, and I feel part of the team. It gives me a sense of security, says Krystyna.

    Co-operation with the refugee service
    Wenche Lippens, HR and Administration Manager at Risanger & Sønn, explains that the municipality's refugee service contacted them and asked if they could accept Krystyna. She had several years of experience from Ukraine, mainly in industrial painting.

    - We've had good experience with internships from the Norwegian Refugee Council in the past and wanted to help Krystyna, says Wenche.

    - Krystyna joined us in November 2022. She has gradually increased her workload along the way and now works five days a week at Haraldsvang School. She has developed a lot, become more independent and learnt about Norwegian products and working methods, explains Wenche.

    The agreement with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) and the Refugee Service will last until the summer. The aim is for Krystyna to receive support for her driving licence via NAV, so that they can later offer her permanent employment.

    A company that cares
    CEO at Risanger & Sønn Sjur Risanger knows how important it is to include and support refugees like Krystyna. He describes her as a great asset to the company, with a work ethic and enthusiasm that inspires the whole team.

    - Krystyna has added a lot to our team, both in terms of labour and as a good colleague who is always in a good mood, says Sjur.

    - It's important for us to show that we care about our employees. Krystyna has been given a lot of responsibility and the opportunity to grow and develop.

    Learning and mastering
    At Risanger & Sønn, Krystyna has learnt several new techniques and improved her painting skills.

    - I feel more confident every day. For example, I can now putty plaster faster, better and more confidently. In Ukraine, I worked with a different method and standard, while in Norway the approach to work is more modern, says Krystyna.

    Krystyna has found great support among her colleagues and feels extra confident in the international environment where many have had similar experiences.

    - We're a fantastic international team from countries such as Lithuania, Germany, Poland and Syria - and we speak to each other in Norwegian. We are seven nationalities, she says.

    - I'm very proud to work in a Norwegian company with such an international culture. It has given me a sense of security and shown that we can be just as skilled as our Norwegian colleagues. Contributing and being a part of this community gives me a great sense of achievement.

    She also emphasizes the warm unity in the workplace.

    - At the Christmas party last year, I brought three traditional Ukrainian cakes and it was a success. My colleagues have made me feel very welcome. They always treat me with patience and understand that I might say or do something wrong.

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    “My dream is to get a permanent job and my own company car," says Krystyna.

    Sustainable integration
    Håndverksgruppen takes active responsibility for sustainability, not only environmentally, but also socially. By offering language practice and work experience to people like Krystyna, we contribute to sustainable and inclusive social development.

    - It's a win-win situation where we as a company get a skilled employee, and Krystyna gets the opportunity to build a new future here in Norway, says Sjur.

    Krystyna has clear goals for the future.

    - I don't have any options or opportunities to return to Ukraine, so the children and I must integrate into the environment here. I think it's going well, and I often think about how proud I am of my job and how far I've come, she says.

    The dream is to continue learning and developing at Risanger & Sønn.

    - I'm motivated by all the opportunities that lie ahead of me. There are good salaries, a company car where you can store everything you need for the job, training programs, certificates and vocational certificates. I also dream of getting a driving license and improving my Norwegian. And of course, getting a permanent job at Risanger & Sønn.

    She hopes her story can inspire others in similar situations.

    - I'm so grateful for this opportunity and I'm looking forward to contributing even more in the time to come, Krystyna concludes.

    Håndverksgruppen is proud to be a part of Krystyna's story. With the support of her good colleagues, she is now building a new future in Norway.

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    Krystyna and Servet work together at Haraldsvang school. Servet also came to Risanger & Sønn via the Refugee Service a few years ago. Today he is a permanent employee.