HG apprentices gain valuable experience in Germany

    Earlier this year, painting apprentices Mathias Berg and Fredrik Haugmark traveled to Lüneburg in Germany for an internship. Now they are back in Norway, full of new confidence and experience.

    - I would recommend all apprentices to apply for a placement abroad. It's been a great and exciting opportunity for us, says Mathias enthusiastically.

    The two boys, who normally work for HG company Sverresborg Malerservice, Innherred branch, have had various assignments in Germany. Mathias has been on placement at The Psychiatrische Klinik Lüneburg, where he worked with puttying, scraping and traditional painting work.

    - In the beginning, everything was new and a bit challenging, but it has given me a tremendous sense of achievement to be able to adapt and get the job done, says Mathias.

    Fredrik, who has worked for Dahms Malereibetrieb, has carried out everything from small service jobs to exterior plastering of facades.

    - It feels good to know that I can stand on my own two feet, even in a foreign place where I don't speak the language and don't know anyone other than Mathias. It's done a lot for my self-confidence, says Fredrik.

    New enthusiasm and professional pride
    Vidar Mitchell, master painter at Sverresborg Malerservice Innherred, has been an important supporter throughout the process.

    - The apprentices have returned with a new enthusiasm and professional pride. They have received new impulses from the outside that have positive ripple effects for the professional environment here at home, says Vidar.

    He believes that the craft industry will benefit from more people doing what Mathias and Fredrik did and taking part of their apprenticeship abroad.

    - I went on a placement myself 20 years ago and know what kind of benefits you can get from such a trip. It's a different culture to come to, and the way of working is different with a much clearer management culture and hierarchy, Vidar points out.

    Future opportunities
    Mathias and Fredrik's placement in Germany is particularly relevant now that Håndverksgruppen is actively expanding its presence in the country.

    - The apprentices have been given a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the German craft environment. There are a lot of similarities and a lot of differences in the way we work. In Norway, we're probably a little ahead in terms of methods and how we renovate and build. At the same time, we're always keen to share our experiences. Is there anything we can take back to our business - and something we can give to them?, says Jorid Solem, HR and Recruitment Manager in Region Central Norway.

    She says that Håndverksgruppen is now looking at various solutions so that more apprentices have the opportunity to travel in the future. The aim is to send one or two apprentices a year.

    - It's very exciting for us to see how the placements work. We're now investigating whether this is something we can do internally in the future with support from the Erasmus programme, or alternatively that we organize placements ourselves, says Jorid.

    Full support from employer
    Sverresborg Malerservice chose to give the boys full pay during their placement, even though they receive support from the Erasmus program and travel grants from the Pure Craft fund.

    - As an employer, we want to facilitate them in the best possible way. They have high expenses like everyone else and apartments at home that need to be paid for. By giving Mathias and Fredrik this opportunity, we also show that we are a company that really cares about our employees and their development, says Jorid.

    Inspired and ready for the future
    Both Mathias and Fredrik have received excellent feedback from their managers in Germany.

    - The boys have received very good feedback, and the companies are impressed with the competence and level of the apprentices, says Vidar.

    Shortly after returning home, Fredrik also passed his journeyman's test with flying colors, which further reinforces the positive experience of his stay.

    Now Mathias and Fredrik are looking forward to sharing their experiences and inspiring other apprentices in the Håndverksgruppen.

    - The boys have received financial support from Malermesterlaget in Nord-Trøndelag and will talk about their trip there. In addition, they will give a presentation to the construction classes at the upper secondary school and all the HG apprentices in Trøndelag, says Vidar.