M-TETT's Approach to Local Repairs: Sustainability and CO2 Savings

    In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to be responsible and sustainable. At Håndverksgruppen, we're leading the way with a deep commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. We focus on reducing waste, optimizing efficiency, and enhancing sustainability.

    Our work in the crafts sector, which includes tiling, masonry, flooring, and painting, is at the forefront of this transformation. So, in 2022, Håndverksgruppen launched a group of services called “sustainable solutions” with the aim of limiting emissions and promoting a circular economy. Sustainable solutions include floor renewal with Dr Schutz, local and partial bathroom repairs with M-TETT, and local repairs of heating cables with M-TEK.


    Significant Environmental Benefits with M-TETT’s Sustainable Solutions

    One of the best things about M-TETT's approach is that it reduces greenhouse gas emissions a lot. By repairing locally instead of demolishing and rebuilding, emissions are drastically reduced. Marketing Manager Pål Standal says, “Climate emissions are much lower when repairs are made locally than when demolishing and rebuilding. This is important to both insurance companies and the environment.”

    Local repairs are not only better for the environment but also save time and money. For a family with young children, shorter downtime is crucial, and insurance companies can reduce costs by avoiding hotel stays for their clients. “It’s clear that this is a sustainable approach”, says Thomas Høisæter, CEO of M-TETT. “Repairing a drain locally versus demolishing an entire bathroom is faster and more cost-effective.”

    How It Works

    Technical Manager Ove Bernhardsen gives us the lowdown on the process: “We look at the images and information we’ve got before we even start a case. If we need to do an inspection, we’ll send out a technician who’ll put together a repair proposal. Then, a technician does the repair, often with the help of colleagues if needed. After that, we take a look at the paperwork to make sure everything’s up to scratch.

    Bernhardsen explains how M-TETT looks at things like the age, type of membrane, and whether the work was done by professionals. “We look at symptoms that can tell us about the extent of potential damage.” Sometimes, a leak may have been going on for too long, making it impossible to fix it locally. Symptoms are really important because they can tell us what's going on underneath.

    Sometimes M-TETT decides not to repair if the bathroom is old and the costs are similar to those of a total renovation.


    Making the ESG Strategy work in practice

    M-TETT is a great example of how we at Håndverksgruppen are working with ESG. Our commitment to ESG principles is built into how we run our company and how we do our work. This is reflected in our ESG-related policies, targets and initiatives. These initiatives are carried out by regional managers in collaboration with local companies, ensuring a smooth and effective process.


    By making ESG principles part of everything we do, we've set a new standard for responsible business practices. Our mission is simple: value our people, care for our planet, and conduct our business with integrity.

    If you want to know more about how M-TETT is leading the way in sustainable practices, check out the article on Nemitek (https://www.nemitek.no/avhendingsloven-bygningssakkyndig-forsikring/lever-av-lokal-utbedring/392743).


    We're proud craftspeople leading the way.